Homeowners Associations Property Management Companies
Angelo Termite & Construction as a trusted corporation by the local community, State of California, Homeowners Associations, and Property Managers on multiple levels.
Angelo is the exclusive provider of Lunch & Learn sessions which provide the course entitled -Do You Know The Condition Of Your Properties-
Our firm is the only firm in California approved to teach The Davis-Stirling Act Civil Code 4780 and 5550 when there is the presence of Wood Destroying Pests and Organisms to avoid liability exposure to the Association and protect the consumer against hazardous conditions. Contact us today to learn more, schedule a session, or request a Walk Through.

Course Provider: Angelo Termite and Construction
Course Title: Do You Know the Condition of Your Properties?
CE Credits: 1 Hour of Credit
"Do You Know the Condition of Your Properties?"
Is approved by Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) to fulfill continuing education requirements for the CMCA certification.

Civil Code 5550.
a) At least once every three years, the board shall cause to be conducted a reasonably competent and diligent visual inspection of the accessible areas of the major components that the association is obligated to repair, replace, restore or maintain as part of a study of the reserve account requirements of the common interest development.
Note that Termite infestations are not a huge concern regarding 5550, until the infestations are so severe that a fumigation is mandatory. Budgets change for the cost of fumigation as well as tile roof and landscape damage.
Ongoing local treatment programs can avoid this.